Recently a few bits of info have been circulating about a proposed 5G mast on the tiny bit of blossom filled green where the bus stop sits, where the crossing into the Albert Rec (Sunshine Garden Centre entrance)
I won't make any point in hiding the fact that I think this is a terrible idea. The potential long-term health effects that are just not known with this technology are just not worth the risk in an area chock full of family homes, 2 schools and a recreation ground. It will be an eye-sore, there are many documented cases of it affecting wildlife numbers etc.
I suffer like everyone else with the patchy and problematic mobile coverage in the area, but nothing is worth 24/7 radiation this close to our homes and community and young and old brains and bodies!
You can submit your feelings on the issue, be they postive or negative here...
About halfway down you can find a button for 'comment on application.' It takes just a minute.
All, many of you, including the ward councillors, have commented and objected to this mast. YOu will be interested to know that the application has been refused with the following motivation:
The proposed development, by reason of its siting, appearance, size, scale and prominent location,
would be visually intrusive, resulting in an incongruous and visually obtrusive form of development, out of
keeping with the visual character of the surrounding street scene and would have a detrimental impact on
the character and appearance of the locality. The proposal if allowed would impede pedestrian movement
along the footpath in this stretch of Durnsford Road. The proposal would therefore be contrary to adopted
Policy DM1 of the Development Management, Development Plan Document (2017), and Policy SP11 of the
Haringey Local Plan (2017) and as such prior approval is required and refused.
The decision has taken into account material consideration like :
1.Principle of the development;
2. Siting and appearance
3. Highway safety;
and it may be interesting to read thorught the office report to see how safety concerns and possible health are considered in application of this kind.
Here is the link:
What a relief this is. Thank you for posting the reasons why the planning application was turned down.
That's great news, thanks very much, Alessandra. It will be interesting to see what the report has to say about health concerns.
From looking at the plans, the proposed mast will be positioned nea...
Thank you verv much for posting this. A reminder for all thiis that wish to comment about this that there is still time until the 16th if April.
I think planning permission for the proposed mast on Bedford Road was rejected simply on the basis of what it looked like. They would not consider any health concerns - I wonder if that has changed?
Thank you for posting, Carrie. This application keeps coming back every couple of years or so, the only difference being that the location selected differs slightly. I think the site chosen this time is known as the Harcourt Triangle, and it is a really valued and lovely spot.
Ah, that's super interesting to know it comes back every couple of years. That makes me hopeful that this too will be deemed a totally mad spot. The Harcourt Triangle! who knew!?
Here's a link to the previous occasion this came up. Another totally mad spot selected..