The Council have emailed me about the outcome of this planning application:
Location: 43 Mount Pleasant Crescent N4 4HP
Proposal: Retention of bicycle store in front garden and proposed boundary treatment / vegetation
Permission has been granted - phew! (I seem to remember there has been considerable fuss about this particular bicycle store).
Bit confused about this - what exactly was the problem? Are we talking about a bike store on the street or in someone's front garden?
This is in a front garden - it seems a bike store is classed as a 'permanent structure', and you need planning permission to build one of those in a front garden. But parking a car there is fine! Yet the owner was told that he didn't have priority for a place in a council bike hangar, because he has a front garden, so could store it/them there! Neighbours objected to it (conservation area), otherwise the Council might not have picked up on it. Here it is: