12669719253?profile=RESIZE_710xThese two frontages have been unfinished for quite some weeks now. On the left is Dave Chu's former much-loved hardware shop and on the right, the frontage of the new build in Dave's old yard. Both look a mess and I would like to know what the timescale is to finish them off to a high standard.

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  • Attached is a photo of what Dave Chu's shop used to look like.12744456094?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • Oh gosh, Annabel, that makes me cry... How far we've fallen, and how we miss him!

  • Further to Terry's comment, I pulled together the relevant references from the Haringey planning records in case anyone was interested (see below). NB: Later edited as it's easy to confuse no. 20 (formerly Dave's shop) with the yard next to no. 20 (formerly Dave's yard) - both appear as no. 20 on Haringey planning.

    As a general summary - one of the conditions of the 2019 approval for the development of no. 20 (Dave's yard) is that drawings showing the proposed facade of the new building should be submitted and approved before work commenced. This eventually happened when an application to restore the frontage (including traditional features, tiling, and central doorway, as before) was submitted and approved in spring 2023. Some of the works have now taken place.

    Meanwhile, the original frontage of Dave's shop was destroyed some time in the summer of 2021. A planning contravention noticed was drawn up in July 2021, seemingly ignored (I think I remember seeing it posted to the front/shutters). Planning permission for the works was later submitted and refused in winter 2021, with the officer noting that the works had already taken place. This was appealed and refused again in June 2022. No application appears to be on record for its restoration.

    The latest, as Terry says, is that Dave's old shop was supposed to become a gym. NB that the plans included in the application to do this (Nov 2023) show the destroyed shop front, with relocated door. As of June 2024, it appears to actually be currently used quite differently - not a gym. And the frontage remains flagrantly unrestored.

    A couple of questions: 1) Can the current owners be compelled to restore the illegally-destroyed frontage of Dave's old shop? At least three years have passed since it was destroyed, and two since the planning application to keep the destruction was refused. 2) Is the current apparent use that Terry mentions below known to the council/relevant licensing authorities? 3) Is it licensed/permitted? Cllr Alessandra Rossetti can you help/do you know?



    HGY/2018/3155 20 Crescent Road (formerly Dave’s Yard)

    Submitted 26/10/2018, decision 16/04/2019

    Full planning permission for development into 3-storey mixed-use building

    Approved with conditions (no. 4 of which was the submission of drawings showing the proposed front elevation of new no. 20 for approval before work commenced – see HGY/2022/4294).


    HGY/2020/2377 Crescent Hardware, 20 Crescent Road (formerly Dave’s Shop)

    Submitted 01/10/2020, closed without decision

    Application to determine if prior approval would be required to change shop to cookery school and studio with retail outlet

    Closed without decision – but of interest to see what prior plans had been for the space.


    June 2021 – thread on this forum by Cllr Nick da Costa notes that residents have reported that original frontage of Dave’s shop at no. 20 has been destroyed. July update says that a planning contravention notice was being prepared, and managing agents contacted and advised to stop works.


    HGY/2021/3503 Shop, 20 Crescent Road (formerly Dave’s Shop)

    Submitted 15/12/2021, decision 27/01/2022, appealed 02/22, decision 06/06/2022

    Alterations to shop front including new glazing and relocating entrance door

    Refused – decision notice notes that at the time of the officer’s site visit, development had already been carried out, although hidden by grey security shutter. Also notes that level access has been replaced by stepped access, and that traditional features including timber frame and tiles have been removed.


    HGY/2022/4294 Shop, 20 Crescent Road (formerly Dave’s Yard)

    Submitted 02/12/2022, decision 27/04/2023

    Approval of details of conditions attached to planning ref HGY/2018/3155

    Approved. Application includes references to matching details at no. 18 (currently Radiator Emporium), including green tiles and shop front frame.


    HGY/2023/3175 Shop, 20 Crescent Road (formerly Dave’s Shop)

    Submitted 27/11/2023, decision 05/02/2024

    Certificate of lawfulness for change of use from a shop to a gym

    Permitted development rights – council found change from shop to a gym would not constitute development under Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


    • Hi Anna, sorry for this delayed response, I did not received any notification of your query. I will follow up with the Planning Department about the frontage and other planning application. As Michael says there's been a lot of correspondance with the Council about the activities taking place, if licenceble or not, and the increased amount of rubbish generated, which as can  be seen from the picture has required a second waste box.

    • Thank you Anna for your careful work setting this out. It is distressing that both frontages should be left in such a mess for local residents to put up with. I would like to hear from the council what steps are planned to enforce the restoration of the frontage to Dave's shop in particular, as per the successful application from spring 2023.


    • Thanks Susie - I've edited it slightly as keeping the two sites (Dave's shop and Dave's yard) separate on Haringey planning, where they both appear as no. 20, eluded me first time around! In fact, no plans to restore the destroyed shop front of the old no. 20 appear to have been submitted. The plans to match no. 18 were submitted for the new no. 20, built in Dave's yard.


    • It's a sauna. A men-only orthodox Jewish sauna. Myself and Tom P-S have been chasing the council on noise and nuisance grounds, as groups of men hanging around has been intimidating for some, and they all drive (to the sauna...) in large cars to get there (because of course there is no public transport in London). 

      There are perhaps a number of issues which need addressing: 

      - The destruction of the frontage

      - The lack of signage (which is perhaps Susie's original point here?) for the businesses. 

      - The conditions in the HMOs. For example, where are their bins? Surely there is minimum requirements for recycle bins for flats? They have none. Safe fire escapes? 

      The whole thing's highly suspect - Buckthorn Investments (now changed their name to Buckthorn Developments) taking us all for a ride and raking in the dosh. As housing is a priority for the new government, perhaps they'll actually tackle rogue landlords? 

      The new building on the yard has I think been bought by a guy who is perhaps marginally less dodgy than the Buckthron lot, but it would of course be nice if he actually used it. 

      When are we getting the PGRA back together to deal with all this stuff? 

    • @Everyone

      When is ANYONE going to address how we have such a relatively high number of shops being used by businesses who don't have many or even any obvious customers?  

      a repro antique radiator showroom  Never opens 

      a new glaziers situated at the corner of two streets with extremely limited access for vehicles to pass let alone park!  
      where are the customers  and how will panes of glass etc (potentially) be delivered or collected at that spot?  Maybe when it eventually opens we will find out. Last I looked there were only armchairs and a small rug inside.  For the workers.  To sit.  I think a tv as well. 

      and look! a second men's barbershop in our tiny locality. kitted out from opening day with seemingly no expense spared.  
      Decorated v much like the dozens down green lanes, only this one has almost no custom.  I wonder how rent and rates and salaries get paid. Hmm. 

      something is afoot in our village of Alexandra Park. 
      Who will be brave enough to tell the council this is bad news for our community?  
      We need genuine shops and proper useful businesses and keep hoping this will happen. It doesn't. And worse things seem to be going in a very different direction.  

      There's a lot washing going on yet not a launderette in sight.  

  • Hi Susie, last year there was a notice on Daves old shop stating that the front had to be  returned to it original design. This  was posted by the government department that deals with appeals after the original plan was turned down by Haringey. Permission was granted last December to change the designation from retail to a gym, it now  seems to be an Orthodox Jewish men only meeting house with what looks like a bar. 

    As for the new shop on the old yard at least the design is in keeping with what nos 20 and 18 although the front entrance step needs finishing.

    • I see what you mean about the front step, and would also add that the gated path alongside the new build hasn't been finished either.


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