Hi all - finally the meeting promised since last July with Network Rail on the refurbishment of Alexandra Palace Station has taken place. These are the main points from my notes:
- BAM Nuttal has been appointed as the Principal Contractor
- the scope of the project has been reviewed in light of available budget and reduced in scope, with the renewal of stairs to platform 3 and 4 descoped. The build of 3 lifts and 1 walkaway has been confirmed. This change will probably require a new planning permission/consultation, Network Rail to check and confirm.
- It has been confirmed no canopy to the walkaway will be provided, and explained as a safety issue to avoid users to congregate on the platform to repair from rain and then running down the stairs when trains approach
- In terms of timescale :
- September '25 - completion of design and opportunity for residents and users to comment
- Early '26 - start of some construction work at night when train are not running. Impact on operations will be coordinated with Great Northen Rail
- Late Summer '26 - start of main construction work and installation of walkway and lifts
- November '26 - Full delivery
- We have also been promised more regular updates with a follow-up meetings once the design is finalised
@Michael Solomon Williams for the Friends of Ally Pally Station was also in attendance, and can add more in case I have forgotten something. I will add an updated map/drawings as soon as I'll receive from organisers. Please do get in touch if you have any query. More information on plans and past discussions can be found here