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  • Hi Annabel, I was thinking a group but definitely with a teacher. Thanks. Helene
    • Hi Helene, I can't offer you portrait painting from the live model, but several of my 'students' have made excellent portraits in pastels or oils from their own photographs. Would this be of any interest?
      Kind regards,

      Henry Hagger
  • Does this group exist? thanks,
    • Hi Helene,
      I don't think it ever actually got off the ground! But there's lots of interest in having a Portrait Painting group, so it would be great to get one started. Did you just want a group that does portrait painting, or with a teacher?
  • I am interested too! Could you give some more information please of times, dates and days.
    • I think this may no longer exist - does anyone know if there are any others around here?
  • Where amd when? I'm interested
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