At present the Palace has discretionary parking charges, but will shortly be introducing compulsory charges in their car parks 24/7, using automatic number recognition cameras to administer them. The first half hour will be free, with £1.50 charged f
The date for finalising the contract between the North London Waste Authority and the Spanish firm Acciona to build the new, larger, Incinerator at Edmonton has passed and gone, but the process continues, despite ongoing campaigns by many local group
Wood Green High Road is set to receive £200k funding from the Mayor, aimed at revitalising the high street after the challenges of the pandemic. It is one of 35 projects across London intended to "test the potential for neighbourhood kitchens to supp
Just as North London councils are about to decide (on Thursday) whether to go ahead with plans to rebuild and enlarge the Incinerator at Edmonton, the all-party parliamentary group on air pollution has published a report saying that all plans to expa
There are christmas trees in pots which you can hire for the duration of the Christmas period (as well as christmas trees for sale) at the car park in front of the East Court entrance (well, the lower car park, by the entrance to the formal garden).
They have asked the North London Waste Authority (which takes the waste from 7 North London boroughs) to pause and review the rebuild of the incinerator. Details in the Ham&High:
Many thanks to all those who have let us know about a phishing comment added to their profiles - it appears to have only affected a few members. The commenter's account has been suspended, which should result in all such comments being deleted.