• Jun 23, 2023 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: All Good Bookshop 35 Turnpike Lane N8
  • Latest Activity: Jun 20, 2023
Book launch 6.30pm Friday 23rd June

All Good Bookshop, https://allgoodbookshop.co.uk/special-events

35 Turnpike Lane, London, N8 0EP

Near Turnpike Lane tube station, also 41 bus.

Beyond Climate Fixes: From Public Controversy to System Change

 Les Levidow

For a long time, policy elites have been promoting false solutions for environmental problems.

In the 1990s they promoted genetically modified (GM) crops, supposedly to reduce agrochemical usage and so environmental harm from intensive agriculture. Yet their real priority was to create new markets for products and to privatise knowledge. Early protest demanded, “No patents on life!” A Europe-wide opposition campaign eventually blocked the GM agenda and created more opportunities for agroecological alternatives.

In response to climate change, policy elites devised a system of carbon-credit trading, which supposedly would incentivise decarbonisation technologies. In practice, this system has done little to reduce GHG emissions. Instead high-carbon polluters have been cheaply buying the right to pollute. Moreover, the system has facilitated more plunder of the global South, provoking much protest.

Both examples illustrate market-based false solutions, which entrench the power of elites who have created environmental problems. This recurrent pattern can be understood as techno-market fixes. Their false solutions often provoke public controversy and socially just, solidaristic alternatives. These have been developing grassroots solutions through commoning, where a solidaristic community defends commons and creates new ones. Such transformative mobilisations can fulfil the popular slogan, ‘System Change Not Climate Change’.

The author’s book, Beyond Climate Fixes, is summarised in this short article:-

“Technofixes or solidaristic commoning? Our climate strategy must combat the technofixes-plus-markets fraud”, The Ecologist, March 2023,


The author has more articles on the book’s webpage, https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/beyond-climate-fixes

Author's blogs

'Techno-fixs or 'solidaristic commoning'' in The Ecologist
'Glasgow’s retrofit programme: rival agendas'
in ScotE3
'Labour movement agendas in conflict over decarbonisation pathways' in Greener Jobs Alliance
'Climate action through ‘transformative technologies’: how shaping a future society?' in Sustainability at The Open University


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Events and Activities

December 2024 - January 2025

Coming up this month @ Karamel N22.

Wednesday 4 –24 December – Painting the Walk at Upstairs gallery, Lauderdale House, Waterlow Park, Highgate Hill N6, 12 noon – 3pm.

St. Andrew’s Christmas 2024 – Carols and Rehearsals, Crib Service, Midnight Mass and more 14-25 December.

Wednesday 18 December – Christmas Carols on the Triangle at the junction of Crescent Road and Palace Gates Road, 7-8pm.

Thursday 19 December - Blue Christmas at Muswell Hilll Methodist Church, 7.30-8.30pm.

Saturday 21 December – Muswell Hill Creatives Winter Makers Fair at St. James’ Square, Muswell Hill (outside Planet Organic), 10.30-4pm.

Sunday 22 December - Candlelit Carol Service at Muswell Hilll Methodist Church,6.30-7.30pm.

Tuesday 24 December -  Christingle Service at Muswell Hilll Methodist Church, 3.30-4.30pm.

Saturday 11 January 2025 and alternate Saturday mornings until 5 April -  Life Drawing at Rhodes Avenue Primary School, 1-3pm.

Ongoing courses and activities

Movement and Ease: Alexander Technique with Tanya every Wednesday morning at CUFOS, Top of the Avenue N10, 11-11.55am.

Fortismere Community Symphony Orchestra rehearses Tuesday evenings during term-time at Fortismere School, 7-9pm. Get in touch for more info.

Fortismere Community Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings during term-time at Fortismere School, 7-9pm. Get in touch for more info.

No-Gi Fundamentals Course (BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) every Thursday for 6 weeks starting 12 September at Alexandra Park School, 7.30pm. Introductory martial arts.

Geekstraveganza – regular boardgame meetup on the FIRST Sunday of every month at Karamel, 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, 1-6pm. NB change of date.

After School Sewing Club on Fridays at Stitch crafts, 2 Hazelwood Lane Palmers Green, 4.30-6pm. Term time.

Em Power fitness classes – Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings in OR Tambo Rec, 9-9.30am (term time only). The main focus is on core and legs.

Bowes Park Community Choir - Thursday evenings during term time at Bounds Green School, 7.15-9.15pm.

Life drawing sessions – alternate Saturday mornings at Rhodes Avenue Primary School, 10-12pm.

Salsa Wednesdays – Wednesday evenings at Bounds Green School, Bounds Green Road N11 2QG, 7-8pm. 

V&J Ensemble: Vocal group for ALL Singers on Wednesdays at St. Andrew's Church, Alexandra Park Road N10 (corner of Windermere Road), 6.50-8.30pm.

Painting for Pleasure – Thursdays at CUFOS Community Centre (the old railway station), Top of The Avenue N10, 10-12.30pm or 1.30-4pm. Sept. 19 – Dec. 12.






All Good Bookshop has many regular events - book groups of course, also music, writing, yoga - and special events .... at 35 Turunpike Lane.

Many Music and Art events are held at Karamel, including Collage Kids performance events on Saturday mornings at 11.30am. At 4 Coburg Road, 

Wood Green N22 6UJ.




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